
a fresh start

Okay, here goes. I think my new-job hiatus from blogging has lasted long enough. I've missed sharing with you, but I haven't really known where to begin. How to blend what I spend a good deal of my time and energy doing--teaching Spanish to 220 inner-city children from the ages of 4 to 14, and the other stuff that I really enjoy writing about--food, recipes, photography, etc. The juxtaposition of a new vegetarian chili recipe and my musings on how to better serve the urban poor just seems odd.

But, this is my life. And the Gospel is the thread that creates harmony in the hours I spend teaching children, and our church's vision to deeply invest in those kid's neighborhood, and the church community that makes up our Birmingham family, and the little family that Keith and I make in our home together, and the ways that we spend our time and money in our home--all the way down to the food that lands on our plates.

So, because I want to share all of those things with you, without feeling the need to explain myself every time I jump from my latest homemaking endeavor to my thoughts on how to change the world, i've decided to set up daily themes that cover a variety of topics throughout the week. I think it will make sitting down to write a lot easier for me, and hopefully it will be enjoyable for you.

Without further ado, my plan.

Monday Musings: ramblings on whatever I happen to be thinking about that week.
Tuesday Tastes: a recipe. Probably not original, but I'll share it the way it worked for me.
Mid-Week Quotables: from my students and other interesting sources.
Local Thursday: Life in Birmingham.
Photo Friday: A picture.

This is not a new-years resolution. Just an idea. Usually my ideas flow so fast that I have a hard time keeping up with them, so we'll see how it goes.

P.S. It would encourage my return to consistent blogging if you would give me a shout-out to let me know that you're still with me. Thanks!


Keri said...

Hello Elaine, this is Keri. i'm eager to hear your thoughts. Please share!

kristen said...

I am excited to read all of those things!

Melissa said...

Sounds like a great idea! Can't wait to hear more of what's going on in that brain of yours :)

Stephanie said...

I'm still with you! Love your new blog plan!

frank said...

Bekah and I are still with you! We miss reading your blog and I am personally looking forward to the quotes from your students most!

Melissa said...

I'm here and I'm excited! Great idea...it's so much easier to post when you have a plan and focus. Looking forward especially to Tuesdays! :)

Annie said...

I'm still reading and am looking forward to reading your thoughts in a new year!

Candis said...

still with ya! keep 'em coming!

katie davis said...

I'M STILL WITH YOU!!! we three love you two!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've missed you. Sounds like a great plan. I hope we get to see you some time in 2010!!
Love, Aunt Chrissie

AJ Macc said...

good thing you got back to it - I almost stopped checking - love you and can't wait to hear more!

Kimberly Joy said...

Yay! sister I'm so glad :)

rebekah said...

Yay! So happy to have you back. Think of your blog as a medium for conversation. You would talk about a variety of topics with your friends, why wouldn't your blog be the same? All of these things make you this wonderful person who we love and want to hear from. I can't be there in person to do these things with you, so I love to hear about them from our little home in Granada.